From Kitchen Spices to Supplements! The Turmeric and Ginger Combo

Picture this: you’re in your kitchen with the sun's rays bursting through the window, discovering a new recipe you're excited to try. The invigorating aroma of various spices fills the air, adding to the vibrant mood. Among these are the powerful herbs turmeric and ginger, staples in culinary traditions around the world. But what if we told you that these two potent spices can also be taken as a supplement to support your daily routine?

Whether you're new to herbal supplements or a seasoned user, the combination of turmeric and ginger could be a valuable addition to your daily intake.

Piping Rock paired together this dynamic duo in a seamless formula! Let’s break down our Turmeric Ginger Complex Standardized, 1800 mg (per serving), 120 Quick Release Softgels just for you!


Turmeric: The Spice for Centuries

Turmeric has long been celebrated in herbal traditions, primarily due to its active component, Curcumin. This golden-hued compound, produced by the Curcuma longa plant, is one of several curcuminoids and is a cornerstone of Indian Ayurvedic practices. For centuries, turmeric has been valued not just for its vibrant color but for its numerous potential benefits. Curcumin, often referred to as the "Gold Standard" of turmeric, stands out for its potent properties and vibrant yellow color.


The Powerful Ginger

Ginger is another powerhouse herb known for its impressive nutritional profile. With a rich history of use as a culinary spice, ginger has made its way into supplement form, offering a variety of ways to enjoy its benefits. From liquid extracts and teas to capsules and tablets, ginger is a versatile and potent herb. When combined with turmeric, ginger enhances the overall impact, creating a synergistic blend that is truly remarkable.



The Synergy of Turmeric and Ginger

Imagine the combined power of these two incredible herbs in one supplement. Our Turmeric Ginger Complex brings together a dynamic duo in a seamless formula. This potent complex includes Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa), standardized to contain 95% curcuminoids, and Ginger (Zingiber officinale), offering a powerful synergistic effect. Additionally, our formula features:

  • Astragalus Root, 200mg (From 50mg of 4:1 extract)
  • Black Pepper Extract, standardized to contain 95% Piperine
  • Convenient, quick-release softgels

By combining these ingredients, we ensure you receive the maximum benefits from each herb, making our Turmeric Ginger Complex an excellent addition to your daily routine.



Adding turmeric and ginger to your daily routine has never been easier. Piping Rock's Turmeric Ginger Complex Standardized combines Turmeric Extract (95% curcuminoids) and Ginger in a potent, seamless formula. Discover the combined power of turmeric and ginger today and make them a staple in your health journey with Piping Rock’s Turmeric Ginger Complex.


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