Frankincense Pure Essential Oil (GC/MS Tested), 16 fl oz (473 mL) Canister

Piping RockSKU: 6368
Selected:  16 fl oz (473 mL) Canister In stock

The frankincense tree, upon first glance, is somewhat plain and indistinguishable from the arid lands surrounding it. It looks like an oversized shrub with thick, twisting branches, and a canopy of narrow leaves dotted with small white flowers. Though the frankincense tree appears ordinary, one of the world’s great treasures is found beneath its bark. When the bark is cut, milky-white resin droplets seep out (known as “pearls”) and eventually harden into the orange gum known as frankincense.

Plant Part Used


Extraction Method

Steam distillation


Medium. Lemony-sweet top note with rich, warm balsamic hints.

Frankincense Essential Oil Benefits

Freeing, euphoric and transcendental. Spiritually enlightening. Rejuvenates the senses and sparks creativity. Calms nerves and uplifts moods.

Blends Well With

Amber, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cypress, Cedarwood, Fir Needle, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Pine, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spruce, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang

History of Frankincense

The first recorded uses of frankincense date back all the way to the 15th century BC, where it was used by the Egyptians for beauty products, incense and embalming. Frankincense essential oil has since gained worldwide popularity for containing the spirit of the sacred and divine. Today it is often used in deep meditation practices, where it is believed to help elevate the spirit to higher levels.

Using Frankincense Essential Oil

All essential oil blends are for aromatherapy use only and are not for ingesting!

Transcendental Awareness

Hop on the express train to the astral plane! These mind-expanding oils unite to lift your consciousness far into the ether, where enlightenment awaits...

6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
4 drops Myrrh Essential Oil
3 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
3 drops Patchouli Essential Oil

Trees of Life

Gain the eternal wisdom, peaceful calm and far-reaching perspective of an ancient tree. Elevate your cognitive power with this potent, yet soothing botanical blend.

6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
2 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil
2 drops Cypress Essential Oil
2 drops Rosewood Essential Oil
2 drops Pine Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Uses

Bath & Shower

Add 5-10 drops to hot bath water, or sprinkle into shower steam before getting in for an at-home spa experience.


8-10 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce of carrier oil. Apply a small amount directly to areas of concern, such as muscles, skin or joints. Work the oil gently into the skin until it is fully absorbed.


Inhale the aromatic vapors directly from the bottle, or place a few drops in a burner or diffuser to fill a room with its scent.

DIY Projects

This oil can be used in your homemade DIY projects, such as in candles, soaps, and body care products!

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Frankincense Pure Essential Oil (GC/MS Tested), 16 fl oz (473 mL) Canister