3 Minute Mindful Meditation Exercise to Practice before Bed

Mindful Meditation before Bed can be a purifying experience if done consistently. It’s the most gratifying way to relax and unwind after a stressful day.

Yet, despite leading active and hectic lives, most people don’t take the time to decompress properly. The average adult spends a majority of their night consumed by electronics, mainly Tablets and Smartphones. This has led to widespread sleeplessness and daytime fatigue. Fortunately, a successful meditation experience doesn’t take up much time. In just 3 minutes, you can look inward to deeply reflect and find peace.


3 Minute Mindful Meditation Exercise:


Step 1:

Isolate yourself from all distraction. This includes shutting off the lights, all forms of electronics and eliminating any surrounding noise. Hear yourself think, feel your environment, be present.


Step 2:

Focus on your senses. Take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each exhale, slowly let go of all the thoughts and tension you’ve had from the day. Remain in the here and now.


Step 3:

Stop resisting. Don’t force yourself to block out prominent thoughts. Let them flow freely, while focusing on your mind/body connection. Your stress will lose its power once you stop trying to resist it.


Step 4:

Pinpoint physical tension. Your stress may be manifesting itself throughout your body. Once you’ve discovered where it resides, you can target it. Take a deep breath in letting your chest expand. Slowly release your breath letting it work its way down to your area of tension. This will allow for a calming sensation.


Step 5:

Find your center. You will gradually become more attuned to your body and reach peace with an open mind. At this time, all of your stress will give way to something deeper and more spiritual.


Enhancing the Experience:

There are several ways to improve your Meditation Experience. By incorporating different elements, you can further stimulate your senses and deeply immerse in something gratifying.

The more senses you engage, the better you can interact with your inner self. Here are our favorite ways of enhancing the experience:


Adding Aromatherapy:

Traditionally, Aromatherapy involved the use of Essential Oils to stimulate your sense of smell. However, there are other ways to practice Aromatherapy with Massage Oils and creating DIY projects like Clay Jewelry, Perfume Recipes and Homemade Candles.


Incorporating Yoga:

Adding Yoga to your Meditation can elevate the experience. Whether you’re practicing at home or guided by an instructor, there’s so much that can be accomplished. There are various types to get started with. The most common forms are: Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Hatha, Hot Yoga, Iyengar and Vinyasa.


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