Your guide to vitamin c

When you think about Vitamin C, what comes to mind? We’re guessing oranges, in all sorts of variations. Orange Juice, Orange Popsicles, Orange-Flavored vitamins…are we right? But what you may not realize is that Vitamin C can be found in other fruits and vegetables that aren’t orange at all. We know, that is a whole lot of shocked emoji face. Worry not, we’re here to open your mind up to the different sources of Vitamin C out there, and what the benefits of this amazing vitamin are.

First off, Vitamin C is known to support the immune system.** It also is a terrific antioxidant which helps fight cell-damaging free radicals in the body.** Lastly, this vitamin is needed in the production of collagen, which is essential for healthy skin, bones and cartilage.** Basically, what we’re saying is that Vitamin C is a warrior pal that you should feel persuaded to start paying more attention to today. (No pressure).*

Still wondering where the non-orange sources are at? Here’s a quick round up of other places you can grab some good ole’ vitamin c:

  • Kiwi: 64 mg/serving
  • ½ cup Strawberries: 49 mg/serving
  • ½ cup Brussel Sprouts: 48 mg/serving
  • ½ cup Red Pepper: 95 mg/serving
  • ½ cup Broccoli: 51 mg/serving
  • Lemons: 25 mg/medium fruit
  • Oranges: 70 mg/medium fruit

And to take it one step further, here is the daily intake of the vitamin for men and women:

  • Female, 19+: 75 mg/day
  • Male, 19+: 90 mg/day

Feel like you put Vitamin C in an orange-colored box your whole life? It’s okay. We did too for a while. Now it’s time to branch out and try these quick recipes that will give you your daily Vitamin C amount:

Strawberries + Cream

  1. 1 cup Strawberries (~98 mg Vitamin C)
  2. ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
  3. ½ tsp Cinnamon
  4. ½ tsp Honey

Steps: Cut up strawberries. In a small bowl mix the cinnamon, and honey with the Greek yogurt. Dip and enjoy! Total Vitamin C Content: 98 mg

Green Medley Mix:

  1. ½ cup Broccoli ( ~51 mg Vitamin C)
  2. ½ cup Brussel Sprouts ( ~ 48 mg Vitamin C)
  3. ½ cup Spinach (~4.2 mg Vitamin C)
  4. 2 tbsp EVOO
  5. Cheese for topping (we like Feta)

Steps: In a pre-heated oven set at 400 degrees, first place your Brussel sprouts on a non-stick pan and bake for 20 minutes. Then add the broccoli to the pan and let bake together for another 20 minutes. Remove and place cheese on top. Serve and enjoy! Total Vitamin C Content: 103.2 mg

And for those of you who are too busy to cook or could really care less about fruits and vegetables, these Vitamin C 1000 mg/ with Rose Hip softgels were made specially for you!

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